Born without Roles…
Dear Readers, Welcome to SC Musings, Blog 21,
We come to you with another Blog with a difference- a day earlier too, due to puja holidays. I am offering in this Blog a poetic intro to Roles, inviting you to journey through this one with images of your roles.
Born without roles, I am swathed in many now
Plunged from the cocoon of darkness into
Light and surrounded by many
I am nothing and have nothing.
Titles are bestowed from the very beginning
Son/daughter, brother/sister-so so many
Even before I know their meaning n
What I should and shouldn’t do in each of them for
Born without roles, I am swathed in many now.
Growth takes me into its lap, marking time
Ensuring milestones roll out
As the I in me tries to keep pace.
Time flies, and I fly with it, dictated by hormones
Internal machineries in me that I know not
Trying to match inside and outside
Complex mechanisms keep me guessing for
Born without roles, I am swathed in many now.
Layer upon layer, my emotions, thinking, relationships
Grows in this body as I become
An embodied self.
From nothing I become something, a someone
With more titles- some fit and others are
A total misfit- as I struggle on trying hard
To make meaning, finding my truth for
Born without roles, I am swathed in many now.
Slowly, and surely in the wide and deep search for truth
The fog clears and layers within
Separate to reconnect.
Light bulbs flash, meanings pop out revealing
A being within- who is more than the roles
Shaped by them with power to shape and
Hone them grows, firmer and stronger for
Born without roles, I am swathed in many now.
Mental health, in the work environment- wherever I
Exist and subsist is this awakening
To the inner-being.
Which is more than the given titles, much much more
Than our roles- when this wisdom pops up and out
Health reigns in the total self- stepping in and out of
Roles, I gingerly tread, balancing all the way for
Born without roles, I am swathed in many now.
From shadows of obscurity, I carved out a place
Where light and beauty
Fill body, mind n spirit.
After chasing many a rainbow, I found it waiting
To be captured in all it’s fullness. Yes, even when
It’s overcast and grey, a rainbow fills the sky
In each of us, helping navigate despite being
Born without roles and being swathed in many now.

Dear Readers,
Do reflect on your roles and rainbows within
See You in a fortnight in Blog 22