Valuing Self through Others
Dear Readers, Welcome to SC Musings, Blog 28!
This Blog is also brief and pictorial, because I am in Sydney, Australia. After an intense, engaging, and fulfilling 7 days of Taichi with our master, Taichi Guru- Dr Lam, I am settling and preparing for my journey to Chennai, India.
Yesterday, I went around Sydney twice in the Hop On and Hop Off bus.

Being a tourist connected me with the environment in a different way. My eyes feasted on the pristine beaches and the traditional and modern buildings and sights. The hot sun did not lessen my enjoyment as the open double decker bus wound its way through the city.
I will now present experiences and happenings in the 27th Conference of the Taichi for Health Institute in Wollongong.
Meeting Dr. Lam was awesome – ITCC 2024 memories filled us with warmth and delight.

Rani brought cheer with her smile, goodwill and love for India. Her father served here during the British rule and hence her name. The tone for the Taichi Conference was set for me by these two special people who continue to brighten my life.

Ten of us Master Trainer candidates practiced Sun 73 for 5 days, ably guided by Janet Cromb, one of the senior trainers of TCHI. Subtly she introduced the finer aspects of the forms, enhancing our body mind connection, increasing our awareness and expanding our consciousness. Practice and more practice of Sun 73 made my knees supple and removed the soreness in my calf muscles. It taught me that right practice heals and strengthens the joints and tendons.

Participants from USA, Switzerland, Belgium, New Zealand and Australia contributed to the diversity and lively spirit of our group. Colleague and friend Philip from Belgium wanted to take photos with me. Initial embarrassment of being photographed changed to me posing comfortably. Infectious laughter of Mike and his wife Libby from USA connected us, as we practiced Sun 73 tirelessly. By the end of 5 days, I found myself laughing heartily with them. Over the week we became ‘a community’- ‘’without barriers.’ The sense of belongingness welled up within each one of us.
My deepest learning from the Taichi 27th conference is:
Shared values of health and healing, along with the common goal of wellness bring inclusivity and oneness- we belong together and become a community.
Dinner with Dr. Lam, Hazel, Evan, Pat from US and Rani was interesting and enjoyable. We relished the delicate flavors of the Italian food, as our connection was strengthened by our deep commitment to holistic health.

Dear Readers, the pictures in this Blog will give you glimpses of my Sydney sojourn and the 27th Conference of the Taichi for Health Institute- TCHI.
Words are insufficient to express the wonder and joy experienced in this trip- it was transformative and transcendental. Hence the title ‘Value of self through Others’- yes, we experience our value from the value meaningful others give us.
Looking forward to seeing you in Blog 29 where we will continue our exploration of values