Tai Chi for Health & Wellness
Tai Chi is an ancient martial art from China. It is an art with its own history, depth of knowledge and skill and it does create wonders to our body’s ecosystem. It is simple, easy to learn and brings better health & wellness,once we tune in with it. It integrates well with the mind, body and spirit, which results in generating more internal energy. There is much more to Tai Chi than one can see or hear, so it’s all about experiencing the art, which heals and stimulates our Life force.
Date: Updates Coming Soon
Time : 7:00am to 9:00am
Venue : Online Classes on Zoom Platform
Course Fee : ₹2100/-
REGISTRATION CLOSEDWhy do we want to learn Tai Chi?
Because Tai Chi is an integral exercise for all parts of the body, mind and spirit; it not only brings tranquillity, but also helps in giving better results in our day to day work through increased focus, concentration and attention. Internalising the techniques of this art, leads us to have a more balanced mental state and at the same time, our body will become more flexible and agile. Age factor is not a restriction in taking this course; moreover, the challenges we face during certain age slabs like flexibility, muscular strength, immunity problems to name a few, are improved in due course to have a quality life.
Who can learn this Art?
As per a report published by Linked-in, 1 out of 2 Indian professionals are facing work stress, and it’s quite disturbing to know that well - being is seen as a luxury by many, over the last 18 months. So this course is for everyone, right from the modern day youngsters, who are struggling to have a balanced mental state to someone who is looking for essential relief through a scientific approach and healing, both mentally, physically and in their energy levels. To progress better, we need to start now. Come, let’s engage & learn to have an enjoyable journey, for better health & harmony to create a better tomorrow.

Sudha’s Day - Eager to know about your instructor
Sudha is COO of Nitya Gurukula. With deep rooted love & compassion for People Work, she has been instrumental in bringing added value to Nitya Gurukula through empowering people. She Is a certified Tai Chi instructor and has conducted more than 50 sessions, successfully. She enjoys networking and organising various life skills training & workshops, to elevate the skills that people need in today’s world. Sudha juggles between so many roles with clear focus and attention, right from finding a balance between personal & professional life to keeping herself updated in the fields of Mental Health, Stress Management & Emotional Literacy. For her, all these are just a cake walk, and she is the person to say ‘Hello’ to.