Career Counselling Services

Nitya Gurukula: Your Guide to Understanding and Managing Depression

Depression can be experienced as a low mood and dull feeling when it is mild. Everyone experiences downs in their life. However, everyday tasks can become difficult to perform for someone with severe depression. Depression is not confined to the realm of the mind; it leaves its mark on the body as well. Seeking counselling and the guidance of a Depression Counselling can provide a pathway towards effective Depression Management.

What to expect from NG counselling sessions?

Here at Nitya Gurukula, we offer a safe space and maintain confidentiality. We value every life and extend holistic counselling that foster inner healing and growth. You can begin by sharing these feelings with our well-experienced depression counsellors to find emotional support and guidance. With support and understanding, individuals can navigate their way through the darkness of depression and towards a path of healing and hope. Our counsellors are here to support you in a non-judgemental way as you take your first steps towards Depression Management.

Depression can be of several types like Persistent Depression, Seasonal Depression, Major Depressive Disorder, Postnatal Depression, etc. With professional assistance, one can identify and understand their form of depression and deal with it.

Depression can look different in each person. You are not alone! It is not a sign of weakness. Seeking professional help to address depression can be the first step in healing and effective depression management.