Boundaries: Connections & Connecting-Contd.
Dear Readers, Welcome to SC Musings Blog 11,
We began exploring Connection and Connecting in Blog 10, and now, in Blog 11, we move on, as I traverse Coimbatore-Chennai-Bengaluru-Coimbatore by road. This triangular journey in South India brought back deep, nostalgic memories of the road trips with grandparents and parents. Road trips, a favourite mode of travel 60 plus years back, hold a special charm for me-the deep connections I had with persons, with the passing landscape, are firmly etched within.
After defining Connection and Connecting in Blog 10, the NG Holistic Model of a human being and a case study were used to explain connection within self. Next we come to the Connection between human beings.
As a speaker in the Guru puja celebrations at Narayana Gurukula, Ooty, on the 14th May, I shared the stage with 5 others, ranging from the spiritual head to an activist. I was requested to speak in English on what we do in Nitya Gurukula, to an audience of 100 persons, of all age groups. The previous day, when I went to Fernhill Gurukula, the question whether I had prepared my speech sent me on a downward spiral. Did I have to prepare, and if so how?? Pat came the answer within- 'the Gurus will speak through me'; 'Was I in a euphoric state, not connected with self and the event'?, the mind voice muttered. Here, I’d like to state that, conscious awareness of internal dialogues, with time and practice, help us manage and regulate our thinking. Instead of being plagued by over thinking, we can choose the voice we listen to.
Words did flow, with the wisdom imbibed and instilled by the Gurus, drawn by the eagerly awaiting audience. We, the speakers, the audience and the content were in unison- this was my experience when the other speakers and I addressed the gathering. How does this happen?
When our emotions and thoughts do not entangle and clutter, connections between the layers and dimensions, namely our body, emotions, thinking, behaviours, social and spiritual, are free to receive inputs, process and deliver them. These inputs maybe from the teachings of the gurus, and other wisdom teachings, embedded within. We will explore this process later in detail, and now return to the Connection between human beings.

Guru Nitya’s samadhi in Figure 1 has an ethereal quality- inviting us into a state of stillness. Its aesthetic appeal soothes and heals- and Guru designed this monument with a pluralistic flavour, inclusive of diverse cultures, in tune with the natural surroundings. It reveals his deep Connection with the universe, at both micro and macro levels. His compassion lingers, 24 years after his samadhi, touching many of us, bringing tears, and reinforcing our bonds.

Images of Nataraja and Narayana Guru on the samadhi manifest the openness of Gurus to receive from their masters and the universe. Thus, the lineage continues, spreading wisdom teachings globally.

I knew very few in the Guru Puja gathering, but did not feel alone. Young and old were keen to share how my speech impacted them. A psychiatrist wanted to connect with Nitya Gurukula, a young man stated that he resonated with my striving for freedom and a few just touched and held my hand. These deep Connections, I believe, happen, when we are open and uncluttered.

I left the Fernhill Gurukula satiated, with a reassurance of our shared humanity.
Coming back to my Southern travels, my last day in Bengaluru began with the shattering news of my cousin’s death. Younger than me by 4 years, he ran multiple resorts in Hasanur, situated on the Coimbatore-Mysore Road. Nitya Gurukula trainees and team have enjoyed his hospitality and relished the delicious food served with care. During our yearly retreats there, spread over a few days, we recouped our energies in the salubrious surroundings, to return to our work with zest. The loss is huge and extremely painful.
The fortnight packed with highs and lows was a revelation of how life dishes out a feast and a huge blow in quick succession. Extreme heat this summer, which broke records, is followed by heavily lashing rains. The human mind often looks for escape routes, through travel or accumulation. Psycho-social compulsions take over, blurring reality, and clogging internal and external connections. These are often manifested as blaming, complaining, stalling, etc., which escalate to battles and wars.
After many a failed escape attempt, I am slowly grounding by accepting life and reality, as it comes. Extreme temperatures and losses, bring me down to basics of life and survival. Our human systems are largely adaptable to extremes, when we learn to be in the here and now, and function with realistic life goals. There are a number of examples of this human resilience, which we have seen in the preceding generations, and also witness in the present, in pockets globally. The foundation of adaptability and flexibility is Connection. Beginning with self, we need to develop the skill, science, and art of Connecting with others. Others could be our biological connections, and/or psycho-social connections.

The cactus flower in Figure 11.5, draws and delights us. Colours and shape of its parts, blend together in perfection, offering a visual feast. What are the lessons about Connection and Connecting we can take from it??
In this Blog 11 we had a general view of Connection and Connecting with others. We will have a deeper understanding of Connection with others in Blog 12. Looking forward in seeing you in a fortnight.

* Name changed to protect identity