Building Self Value
Dear Readers, Welcome to SC Musings, Blog 29!
Fervour of Kumbh Mela is gripping our country, as I am growing into my new identity and role as a Master Trainer of the Taichi for Health Institute, Australia. The title and role comes with values which are slowly and surely, embedding within.
The Master Trainer workshop in Wollongong, designed and conducted by Dr. Lam and his team of Master trainers helped in building self-value. I have attempted to capture these values in the poem below titled, Quality: Leaders to carry TCHI vision.
Quality: Leaders to carry TCHI vision
Dr Lam's intro: No failures- Quality,
Leaders to carry on TCHI vision
Set the tone, the climate 'n ambience
For Master Trainers workshop 2025.
Months of preparation didn't prepare us,
Unknown fears, frozen, numb & clutching
Knowledge, jogging memory as we
Stepped into MT Training
Quality: Leaders to carry TCHI vision
The foundation & base
Rooted & anchored us- firmly laid
By seasoned MTs- Janet, Pat, Rani & Darcy.
Engaged, Taichi infused with
Theory, Practice, Forms, & Stepwise
Norms, principles making it real, as we
Immersed in MT Training.
Quality: Leaders to carry vision of TCHI
2 days packed with presentations
Deep and intense learnings percolating
Through our pores, building cell memories.
Christened new MTs by Dr. Lam himself
Lifting spirits, dousing fears, internalising
Safety & Effectiveness - our mantra
As we step into being Master Trainers.
Quality: Leaders to carry vision of TCHI
Groomed by Dr Lam, ably assisted by MTs
Who spoke in unison to enhance
And ground our knowledge & practices.
We participants had time to laugh & learn
With ‘n from each other; building connections
A sense of belonging creeping into us
Master Trainers as we step out into our worlds.
Quality: Leaders to carry vision of TCHI
Parted with a wee bit of sadness to leave the
Pristine environment- people- process
Artfully- scientifically crafted by Dr. Lam.
Essence in simple words: Creating
Our Body Structures, Energy Balance, Sharing
Without barriers, less is more, we flow with
Compassion for self & world as Mater Trainers.
(Master Trainer: MT Workshop 2025- 11th & 12th January 2025 , Novotel, Wollongong.19th January ’25).
A transformational and transcendental journey, the MT workshop was something I did not imagine or visualise. It took me to my depths and cleansed me inside out and outside in, taking me beyond and within.

As an explorer, searching for value and quality in life, I pondered and continue to ponder on how did this magic happen within 7 days, and how do I transmit it in Nitya Gurukula???
There is no single, definite answer to my question. However, I have made a beginning in the search and here are some ponderings.
Transmitting value outside begins with building Self value.
We humans tend to look for value outside us in:
- Tangible material things like objects, gold, land etc.
- Intangibles like knowledge, rituals etc.
Building Self value begins within. The 7 days of concentrated focus on Taichi - the practices, forms, principles, and stepwise teaching methodologies gave me a glimpse of building self-value. Janet Cromb, Master Trainer and facilitator of Sun 73 forms, which we practised for 5 days, summed it up beautifully when she said:
“Don’t make it happen, allow it to happen”.
Making it happen is using cognitive and muscle power, while allowing is opening ourselves for energy to flow. This is what we the NG Team did in Nana-Nani, the Holistic Wellness and Balance workshop on the 25th January captured in Figure 29.2. We allowed the participants to draw us out, which they did with grace and enthusiasm.

And in Figure 29.3. the peacock is basking on the lawn, alert and allowing energy from the sun to seep in and warm its body.

Dear Reader,
In Blog 30 we will explore the impact of ‘allowing it to happen’
Till we meet next time